Paths +
Full Group Activities:
all the details
Here are all the details about the workshops + activities as well as their leaders throughout the entire weekend!
$343 admission includes your choice of one Path (Saturday small group workshop) as well as all full group activities listed below.
View or print entire retreat agenda below.
Paths - Quick Links

Path details
Admission includes attendance on Saturday 4/5/25 at your choice of one of the six Paths listed below.
Paths are deep-dive small group workshops covering subjects ranging from holistic healing, spirituality, creativity, mindfulness and health - you get to choose! Space is limited to 20 women per Path except Path 2 which is limited to 12 attendees. You will choose one of the six Paths when you register. Paths will take place on Saturday from 9-11:30 a.m., break for a leisurely lunch, and then reconvene with the same small group and leader from 2:30-4:30 p.m.
About Path 1
“Transmute Anxiety & Reclaim Inner Peace” is a holistic, body-based workshop suited for any and every woman who struggles with anxiety. Perhaps you've tried talk therapy or other approaches without significant progress. If you’re tired of struggling with the painful, negative consequences of anxiety and want to learn powerfully effective somatic, scientifically-backed holistic approaches that get to the root, I invite you to join us for this inner peace reclaiming journey. With our world moving in an unnaturally fast and plugged-in pace, anxiety levels are at an all-time high and we are paying for it in the form of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual un-ease, dis-ease and pain. Instinctually, we tend to curse unwanted anxious thoughts, emotions and sensations, latch onto them, suppress them, or ignore them …and understandably so, we all know they don’t feel good at all! Trying to think our way out of anxiety doesn’t work either. The harder we try to get rid of it (trust me, I tried!), the louder it gets. With meager results, I also attempted using anxiety meds, 3 blood pressure medications, traditional talk therapy, physical therapy, chiropractic, self-help + all the self-care you can think of. That’s when I learned about body-based somatic therapy and shifted my efforts. With somatic therapy techniques in my toolbelt, I finally broke my decades-long anxiety cycle, have helped clients do the same, and now I can’t wait to share some of these techniques with you so you can achieve comfort and thrive! This workshop will use concepts of Internal Family Systems (IFS) developed by psychologist Dr. Richard Schwartz. What to expect in this workshop: * experience a variety of creative somatic (body-based), holistic techniques including guided meditation, body-movement tools and trauma-informed breathwork to support you in easing anxiety, rewiring your response to anxiety, tapping into the truth of who you are, and unveiling inner peace (we will be lying down for portions of this workshop and engaging in gentle stretching + body movement) * gain a deeper understanding of anxiety’s role as a life coping strategy which is actually trying to protect you and keep you safe * identify and focus on your bodily cues of anxious sensations * begin to shift your relationship with anxiety and ease it by befriending it with attention, compassionate curiosity, kindness and non-judgment * learn to tune into the underlying helpful information that anxiety is desperately trying to communicate to you about what you need to thrive * discover ways to meet your deepest needs and reclaim connection with your calm, peaceful center within Anxiety sure can be persistent, but so can the part of you that tenaciously seeks inner peace and a thriving life! With regular commitment and practice of the methods and techniques you will learn in this workshop, you will be well-equipped to decrease your levels and periods of anxiety while increasing your states of calm, presence and aliveness. * Please wear comfortable clothes and bring a yoga mat & blanket. * Note-if you attended my breathwork workshop at 2024’s Women’s Wellness Weekend ESVA, note that this year’s workshop content and tools are entirely different. You will experience the power of trauma-informed meditative breathwork, like last year, however it will be focused on healing anxiety. Plus so much more!
Meet Path 1 Workshop leader - Christa Peachy
Christa is a certified trauma-informed somatic life coach and breathwork guide who supports burned-out humans to take charge in cultivating an authentic soul-led, life they adore from the inside out by shedding chronic stress, awakening joy and mastering making peace with the truth of who they are (especially the parts they wish didn't exist).
A native of Pennsylvania, Christa moved to Virginia in 1990 to attend Virginia Wesleyan University. After living in the hustle and bustle of Virginia Beach for 33 years and raising a family, Christa relocated to the serenity of Cape Charles in 2023, a natural setting for her holistic, somatic coaching practice and retreats. She is the proud mama of Wil (24) and Charlotte (20) and is a self-proclaimed recovering anxiety-aholic, perfectionist, over-giver, avoider, controller and detrimentally ultra-independent woman. She owns Peachy Outlook | Well-Being & Life Coaching and is Chair and Host of 2025’s 2nd Annual Women’s Wellness Weekend ESVA 2025. Through an immense investment of donated time and devotion, she helped make the 1st Women’s Wellness Weekend ESVA become a reality by serving as Wendy Hubbard's Co-Chair in 2024.
Learn more about the transformational work she does at www.peachyoutlook.com.

Christa Peachy
Certified Trauma-Informed Somatic Life Coach & Breathwork Guide
Peachy Outlook | Well-Being & Life Coaching
About Path 2
If you are woman in a life transition this workshop is for you. In this experiential time together, we will look back at the most important transitions in our lives, reflect on how we navigated them, and look ahead to make current and future transitions an opportunity for transformation. Life is change and to resist change, as we all do, makes life so much more difficult. I love teaching what I am learning, and I am personally going through many life transitions right now. The book, “The Way of Transitions” by William Bridges has been my guiding light through this time, and I want to share this inspiration with you. In the book, Bridges makes a big distinction between change and transition. He defines change as things that happen — situational life events. They can catch us off guard, they can bring disillusionment and disenchantment. They can toss us around and uncaringly spit us out. We can feel very alone and feel very little control or hope for the future. In transitions, we embrace (as best we can) change and allow ourselves the opportunity to be forever changed by the experience. In ancient and tribal societies, there were and still are rites of passage with ritual and ceremony to serve as a vehicle to carry a person across the gap between one life phase and the next. These ceremonies help them establish a new identity and be witnessed for this transition. We will create an opportunity for each of us to have this experience during our day together. We all experience transitions repeatedly in our lives, some large, some small; some easy and joyful; some painful and traumatic. Transitions are an opportunity for transformation and growth. Here is the process we will follow in this workshop: * Take time to honor and consolidate what has come to us in previous life transitions * Allow the current transition to help us reorient to a new self-image * Welcome the personal growth transitions bring * Enter more authentic presence - Inner direction and realignment * Access the deeper meaningful context the transition offers Allowing yourself to evolve with your transition creates inner confidence, access to your most authentic self, brings more meaning to your life and your relationships and makes an overall safer world in which you live. When you can manage a transition, you can manage your life!
Meet Path 2 Workshop leader - Wendy Hubbard, M.Ed., SEP
Wendy Hubbard, M.Ed., SEP, is a Pathwork Helper and Somatic Experiencing (SE) Practitioner. She is also certified in Hellinger Family Constellation Work and Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning Experience (DARe). This rich mix of modalities and trainings informs her work and enables her to bring hope and healing to her clients through individual and couples sessions and therapeutic groups.
Along with a group of other holistic practitioners on the Eastern Shore, Wendy dared to dream up the vision and concept of Women's Wellness Weekend ESVA. Through personal funding and an immense investment of donated time, Wendy generously and courageously made the vision come to life serving as Co-Chair and workshop leader at our 1st retreat weekend in 2024.

Wendy Hubbard, M.Ed., SEP
Pathwork Helper, Somatic Experiencing (SE) Practitioner, certified in Hellinger Family Constellation Work & Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning Experience (DARe)
Beyond Broken
About Path 3
The coastal town of Cape Charles, on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay, is the perfect setting to explore the rhythm of our lives through the creative practice of SoulCollage®. SoulCollage® is a gentle, playful and often joyful way of exploring your life and your deep self. Using images from magazines you will create your own unique set of SoulCollage® cards, which will allow you to discern where your life might be out of balance. In our time together we will focus on finding the natural rhythm of ebb and flow in our lives through the cards we make. Using our imagination and images, we will listen to our intuition and our inner voices as we discern what we want to invite more of into our lives, and how to find a balance between inner and outer nourishment to support us in living a life we love. SoulCollage® is an insightful process for self-care and self-discovery. It requires no special skills and the cards you create can provide insights that are full of depth and meaning. Each participant will receive a kit of supplies to make their cards, access to a large selection of inspiring images with which to make their cards, and more.
Meet Path 3 Workshop leader - Catherine Anderson
Catherine leads creative pilgrimages and retreats in the USA and around the world. She has been training others as SoulCollage® and Labyrinth Facilitators for the past 12 years and loves inspiring participants in her retreats to unlock their creative gifts and access their inner wisdom and intuition. Her website is www.creativepilgrimage.com
Catherine was part of the original group of holistic practitioners on the Eastern Shore who dream up the vision of Women's Wellness Weekend ESVA. She served as a workshop leader and labyrinth walk leader at our 1st retreat weekend in 2024.

Catherine Anderson
SoulCollage® and Labyrinth Facilitator and Trainer
The Creative Pilgrimage
About Path 4
"Health + Happiness: An East Asian Medicine Journey" workshop is designed to help you reduce stress and find better balance in life by introducing and practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) concepts and tools. Chronic stress affects our physical, emotional and mental, behavioral, and our cognitive health. It can lead to insomnia, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, anxiety, brain fog, and unhealthy coping mechanisms. You will learn: * Stress: What it is as well as its physical and emotional impact; * TCM Thought: Understanding Yin and Yang, energy (Qi) flows and meridians; * Holistic Tools: Qi Gong exercises, present moment awareness, and acupressure points and how these tools can help to achieve long-term health and happiness.
Meet Path 4 Workshop leader - Dr. Sarina Hrubesch, DACM, L.A.c.
Dr. Sarina Hrubesch holds a Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, is certified by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and is licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the State of Florida. She moved from Florida to the Eastern Shore of Virginia in 2022, and established Wellstream Healing & Acupuncture in Belle Haven. Dr. Sarina offers Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine modalities to help restore clients' health and well-being, both physically and emotionally. Besides helping reduce pain, her focus is on stress-related and emotional issues.
Her passion for Chinese Medicine is based on her desire to help people achieve balance and reach their best selves. Earlier in her career, Dr. Sarina helped people grow and develop their skills and talents through roles in human resources. She has a degree in psychology from VA Tech and is also a certified Life Coach.
Dr. Sarina Hrubesch, DACM, L.A.c.
Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Wellstream Healing & Acupuncture
About Path 5
“Intuition as your Guide” is an experiential workshop intended to support our connection to the wise, inner voice within. Some experience intuition through physical sensation, through mental awareness of words or images, or through inspired interactions in the present. However these gentle nudges, hints, or encouragements arise, this workshop intends to honor all of the ways intuition speaks. Workshop participants will be guided to set a clear intention for exploration during each segment of our time together. The connection to intuition will be supported through Qoya-inspired dance and movement, expressive art, and guided writing practices. As a Qoya teacher, Laura values the inherent wisdom of the body and the unique portal that is created when we move to remember our essence. Participants will learn to focus less on how something looks, and more on how it feels. What to expect in this workshop: * Understand the voice of your intuition and the many ways it speaks to you * Learn ways to intentionally slow down and enhance your communication with intuitive knowing * Self-express using visual art, writing, and dance/movement * Embody your wise, wild, and free essence through Qoya-inspired movement * Learn tools to support your ongoing connection with your intuition All expressive art materials will be provided. Please bring your own yoga mat and wear clothing you can move and stretch comfortably in. “Laura creates a container in which everyone can enter as they are. No one way is expected. Lots of room for expansiveness…each of us diving deeply into our own worlds but doing so held by the fabric of community.” - Dori, Embodied Intuition Retreat participant.
Meet Path 5 Workshop leader - Dr. Laura Farmer, Ph.D.
Dr. Farmer serves as a bridge between the validity of our intuitive, internally-derived wisdom and rational, empirically-derived knowledge. Her work is devoted to helping people navigate these realms for themselves and discover uncharted territory that leads them to greater freedom, happiness, and fulfillment.
A natural teacher, she worked as a full-time professor of counseling for seven years and developed her own research focusing on LGBTQ-affirmative counseling, transgender advocacy, and counselor training. She became certified as a Qoya dance and movement instructor, which opened her eyes to a new way of healing that incorporates the body. She relies on her training in a variety of creative and expressive modalities to support self-expression, expansion, and discovery. These creative and expressive outlets have supported her in her own life and she loves sharing them with others. The clients she works with are curious, open, and motivated to create meaningful transformation in their lives.

Dr. Laura Farmer, Ph.D.
Licensed professional counselor, Certified Qoya Teacher, Psych-K Facilitator, scholar, educator, healer, speaker & consultant
The Intuitive Counselor
About Path 6
Do you often feel as if the energy is sucked out of you? Are you struggling with gut issues, sleep issues, or mood cycles? Do you feel confused by the multitude of messages about food and what is best for our body? If you can respond positively to these questions, consider joining the workshop that will address the challenges we battle to feel nourished for health and life. “Nourishment for Life" is a workshop that will address the “energy drain” that so many women face, by focusing on therapeutic nutrition. Therapeutic nutrition helps us achieve homeostasis which is a state of balance among all the body systems which is necessary for the body to survive and function correctly. When we achieve homeostasis, we find we are able to sustain our energy levels, our moods, support our microbiome and hopefully put ourselves in a position to prevent disease! We will also talk about food myths and marketing ploys and scams around so-called “healthy” food products in our markets gain knowledge and truth as consumers. This workshop will offer hands on opportunities to put what you are learning into action. What you can expect learn/gain in this workshop: * Achieve a greater understanding of the power of food and how to eat from the cellular level to improve our energy. * How to eat today to support the microbiome and prevent disease. * Learn some ingredients you may not typically cook with that are power foods. * Apply what you learn to some of your favorite meals during the workshop. * Feel empowerment to make the best food choices for your body at your age/season of life. * Gain knowledge and confidence for your next food shopping experience over the marketing scams that fool us to believe their product is healthy.
Meet Path 6 Workshop leader - Nicole Carroll, BSN, CNFC
Nicole has a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition, but it wasn’t until she was suffering with 3 diagnosed autoimmune diseases and feeling lost with how to manage through it all, that she dug deep and studied for hours and hours online and in books to find healing.
Since then, she became certified as a Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Practitioner, certified as a Holistic Health Practitioner through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and Certified with the Board of American Association of Natural Wellness Coaches. Nicole is the owner of Functional Nutrition Counseling where she specializes in working with clients who have autoimmune diseases and the disorders associated with the microbiome.
Nicole recently published a book entitled, “Autoimmune Disease and the Gut Microbiome”, addressing how the microbiome affects our health is an important factor when considering healing of chronic systemic diseases.
Nicole has extensive experience serving with refugees globally in refugee camps and locally. She also volunteers regularly at Lackey free clinic and with Serve the City and feels giving back to the community is a big part of who she is. Nicole has been married for 36 years, has 2 grown daughters and lives in Yorktown Virginia.

Nicole Carroll, BSN, CNFC
Certified Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Practitioner, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified with Board of American Association of Natural Wellness Coaches, Author of "Autoimmune Disease and the Gut Microbiome"
Functional Medicine Nutrition Counseling

Full group activities details
Admission also includes attendance at all full group activities listed below.
This retreat weekend is all about YOU! We encourage you to check in with your needs throughout the weekend. Feel free to attend as many or as little of the full group activities below to meet your unique needs. No notification of your attendance or non-attendance is necessary. Come if you wish!
Full Group Activities -
Quick Links
Welcome reception +
workshop leader introductions
1:30-3:45 p.m.
Sign in for the event and then enjoy charcuterie and fun, revitalizing mocktails by Crunchy Hydration. Sign up for optional wellness services + treatments. Browse wellness + art vendors that will be on-site. Meet your workshop leaders. Enjoy views of the Chesapeake Bay on the deck with firepit tables (weather pending).
Location: Oyster Farm (Pearl Event Center)
Opening sisterhood circle
3:45-4 p.m.
We'll open the weekend by connecting hand-in-hand in an opening circle. We'll take a quiet moment to give thanks for our time together and each set our weekend intentions.
Location: Oyster Farm (Pearl Event Center)
with light breathwork
led by Ursi Salkey
4-5 p.m.
Immerse yourself in the rejuvenating vibe of the weekend with light breathwork led by Christa Peachy and healing sound including sound bowls + various instruments led by Ursi Salkey. Gently tune into your body, mind, and spirit and explore if an intention emerges. Let the sounds and healing instruments help carry you into a safe space where you can let your worries rest, be still with yourself, and feel your emotions. Open up to releasing what no longer serves you and invite in peace and healing. This is a gorgeous experience you won't want to miss!
Location: Oyster Farm (Pearl Event Center)
Soundbath leader - Ursi Salkey
Ursi Salkey is a certified sound healer and reiki master with a passion for guiding groups through transformative sound journeys that promote holistic healing and spiritual connection. Through her business, Sound x Self-Care founded in 2020, Ursi combines the therapeutic power of sound with her background in mindfulness, meditation, and Christian faith, creating a unique and soul-nourishing experience. Her sessions invite participants to release stress, embrace inner peace, and deepen their spiritual connection, blending soothing soundscapes with intention-setting and mindfulness. Ursi’s compassionate approach offers a safe and supportive space for groups to experience renewal and reconnect with their inner selves.

Ursi Salkey
Certified Sound Healer + Life Coach
Sound x Self-Care
Progressive muscle relaxation + light breathwork
led by Christa Peachy
7-7:30 a.m.
Start your day off with progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and light breathwork. PMR is a relaxation technique that involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups to reduce stress and anxiety. Breakfast will be served immediately following.
Bring a yoga mat.
Location: Oyster Farm (Pearl Event Center)
Progressive muscle relaxation + light breathwork leader - Christa Peachy
7:30-8:30 a.m.
Connect and get to know other retreat participants over light breakfast or take it to go and soak in the waterfront views on the deck or anywhere on the Oyster Farm property. Nourishing continental breakfast will be served both Saturday & Sunday including yogurt, fresh fruit, granola, local farm-fresh hard boiled eggs and oatmeal. Water, coffee, juice + hot tea provided.
Location: Oyster Farm (Pearl Event Center). The doors to breakfast will open at 7:30 a.m. after progressive muscle relaxation (Saturday) & embodied stretch session (Sunday)
On Saturday after breakfast, head to your designated Path location (will be announced prior to the retreat).
On Sunday, you'll have 1 hour of free time after breakfast from 8:30-9:30 a.m. until the Labyrinth Walk session commences at 9:30 a.m. at the same location.
12-2 p.m.
After your morning Path session, come to the Oyster Farm's Pearl Event Center to connect and get to know other retreat participants over a leisurely, light lunch. Or even take it to go and soak in the waterfront views on the deck or anywhere on the Oyster Farm property. A nourishing make-your-own sandwich or salad bar will be served including meats, cheeses, breads, condiments and salads. Water, coffee + iced tea provided.
Path session will resume after lunch from 2:30-4:30 p.m at your designated Path location.
Location: Oyster Farm (Pearl Event Center)
Fire Circle
with drums, voice + instruments
led by Karla Denison
5-6 p.m.
Come participate and partake of the unified synergy found in voice, drums and other instruments of sound. Let’s create a living song of well-being and freedom for all.
Through the summoning of a drum beat, women are encouraged to find and release their powerful sound from within. All are invited to arrive with their drums, instruments, makeshift instruments, voices or gentle toppings of hands on body. Express whatever inspiration strikes!
Bring: a portable chair and drum, makeshift drum or instrument of your choice.
Location: Oyster Farm waterfront lawn (outdoors if weather is suitable); Foul weather location: Pearl Event Center
Fire circle leader - Karla Denison
Karla has hosted overnight healing retreats, events and wellness workshops at her home and property for over a decade. She cultivates sacred time in spaces with an array of therapeutic arts. Through crafts and music, she helps women tap into and grow in their unique, individual gifts and talents. Karla also has a gifted ability to hear instrumental music and songs from the angelic realms. She receives downloads of melodies and songs to sing over groups and individuals. (Some call it a form of light language. Others know it as Holy Spirit tongues of fire). All songs are delivered from the heart frequency of love. They often come to Karla with visions and words of interpretation for the listener. Karla delights in singing with the rhythm of the drum beat. In them, words of affirmation, mantra and melodies unfold into the atmosphere. Minds, bodies, souls and spirits of the listeners alchemize, experiencing energetic harmony and peace. Her listeners often say, they sense a spiritual presences of comfort and encouragement. Many experience physical, and/or emotionally healing during or shortly after song delivery. Feel free to contact Karla if you would like to experience and receive a free personal song from the heavens. She offers in person sessions and recordings.

Embodied stretch + light breathwork
led by Christa Peachy
7-7:30 a.m.
Start your Sunday off with gentle stretching and light breathwork. Embodied stretching is a way to practice being more aware of your body and its needs. We'll take time to notice how your breath feels. With each inhale, we'll tune more deeply into your body; with each exhale we'll let gradually go of more and more tension.
Bring: a yoga mat.
Location: Oyster Farm (Pearl Event Center)
Note: Breakfast follows this session from 7:30-8:30.
From 8:30-9:30, enjoy 1 hour of free time before the Labyrinth Walk session begins at 9:30.
Embodied stretch + light breathwork leader - Christa Peachy
Labyrinth walk + integration session
led by Catherine Anderson
9:30-11:30 a.m.
To bring it all together, we will gather in a powerful session where we will take turns walking an indoor labyrinth. While others take turns in the transformative walk, small groups will be led by experienced facilitators to support you in reflecting and integrating your experience into powerful take-aways for your life after the retreat.
The labyrinth is an ancient pattern that can help you create an inner space of sanctuary, a place where you can slow down and intentionally focus on aligning body, mind and spirit, asking for guidance or learning to quiet your mind. Walking the spiral pattern of the labyrinth in a mindful way can allow us to become conscious of our breath and prepare us for meditation, and the walk itself can be a meditation. The labyrinth path meets you where you are in your life and asks nothing of you, it merely invites you to walk along its path one step at a time. By doing this, you might discover greater peace, a doorway into your intuitive wisdom, or clarity regarding an important question.
Location: Oyster Farm (Pearl Event Center)
Labyrinth walk + integration session leader - Catherine Anderson
Closing sisterhood circle
11:30 a.m. -12 p.m.
Our final gathering, where we will join hand-in-hand or arm-and-arm to wrap up the weekend with final reflections and potent send-off blessings.
Location: Oyster Farm (Pearl Event Center)